Load Data from MySQL
Using mysqldump
to load data from MySQL into Databend.
- MySQL client and mysqldump
- Databend: You will connect to the database and table using MySQL client, please see How to deploy Databend.
Part 1: Dump MySQL table schema and data to file
Dump book_db.books table schema and datas
mysqldump --single-transaction --compact -uroot -proot book_db books > dumpbooks.sql
mysqldump Options: --single-transaction --compact
The dumpbooks.sql
looks like:
CREATE TABLE `books` (
title varchar(255),
author varchar(255),
date varchar(255)
INSERT INTO `books` VALUES ('Transaction Processing','Jim Gray','1992'),('Readings in Database Systems','Michael Stonebraker','2004');
... [snip] ...
INSERT INTO `books` VALUES ('Transaction Processing','Jim Gray','1992'),('Readings in Database Systems','Michael Stonebraker','2004');
Part 2: Load data into Databend from the sql file
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -proot -P3307 < dumpbook.sql
All tables and data from users will now be loaded into Databend.